хвойный (coniferous)
тайга (taiga)
Сибирь (Siberia)
лес (forest)
ягода (berry)
биом (biome)
Taiga (тайга) covers roughly eighty percent of Russia. In fact, taiga is the world’s
largest biome. Other biomes found in Russia include semidesert, deciduous
forest, mountain steppe, tundra, mountain tundra, steppe, and mountain
Siberia (Сибирь) is mostly taiga and Siberia is basically the eastern
portion of Russia or everything east of the Ural Range.
тайга (taiga) - also known as boreal forest or snowforest, is a biome
consisting mainly of coniferous forests (хвойные леса plural or хвойный лес
singular). Trees likely to grow in a taiga biome include:
пихта - fir
лиственница - larch
ель - spruce, fir-tree
ёлка - spruce, Christmas tree
кедр - cedar
Other plants likely to be encountered in the Russian taiga include:
жимолость - honeysuckle
земляника - wild strawberry
брусница - cranberry, lingonberry
черника - blueberry, bilberry
смородина - currant
биом - another word for biome is ecosystem or экосистема (или экологи́ческая
систе́ма) in Russian.
Лиственница это хвойное дерево, ежегодно сбрасывающее хвою.
(Larches are conifers, annually shedding their needles.)
Много съедобных ягод растёт в тайге.
(Many edible berries grow in the taiga.)