хозяйство (farm)
сельский (agricultural)
климат (climate)
подсолнух (sunflower)
урожай (crop)
семя (seed)
Подсолнечник родом из Северной Америки.
Родина подсолнечника Северная Америка.
(The sunflower is native to North America.)
Пётр Первый привёз подсолнечник в Россию.
(Peter the Great brought the sunflower to Russia.)
BTW, sunflower is translated as both подсолнух and подсолнечник, FYI.
However, подсолнух is the word most likely to be used in everyday spoken
language and подсолнечник is more of a scientific term
used when botanists have scientific discussions regarding sunflowers.
Pustovoit did most of his work in the Кубань (Kuban) region in
southwestern Russia, which borders on the Black Sea and the Sea
of Azov as we see on this map. More specifically, he worked near
Краснодар (Krasnodar) which is a city with a population of about
744,000 and the administrative center of the Краснода́́рский край.
It is worth noting that sunflower seed oil (подсолнечное масло) is
the main oil used in kitchens in both Russia and Ukraine.