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цыпочки (tiptoe)
дорого (expensive)
колено (knee)
очередь (line)
затрата (expense)
He stands on tiptoe.
Он стоит на цыпочках.

Those shoes cost a lot.
Эти ботинки стоят дорого!

We are kneeling.
Мы стоим на коленях.

We are standing in line.
Мы стоим в очереди.

It is worth the expense.
Это стоит затрат.
Расходы того стоят.

At first it would appear that стоить (which means to be worth or to cost) and стоять (which means to stand) are spelled differently, but when we inspect the present tense conjugation for these two verbs we see that the spellings are all the same. However, although they are all spelled the same the pronunciation is slightly different. For present tense forms of стоить the stress goes on the first syllable, but for present tense forms of стоять the stress goes on the second syllable.

Посуда стоит на столе.
(The dishes are on the table.)

Погода стоит тёплая.
(The weather is warm.)

Не стоит об этом говорить.
(We should not talk about it.)

Оно того не стоит.
(It's not worth it.)

Игра не стоит свеч.
(It's not worth the trouble. LIT: The game is not worth the candle.)